Last Updated:  12/22/22 - Rosie McNeel

Document Approver: Rosie McNeel


  • Context
  • Process
    • ID Card Process
    • Envoy Process
      • Downloading the Envoy App
      • Scheduling a Desk
      • Canceling a Desk Reservation
      • Important Information
    • FAQs
  • Support


  • Need help with booking a desk for the office? This article should answer all questions related to getting started with Envoy. For more information on the related policy, please visit this article.


  • ID Card Process

    1. Visit the Vice support portal and go to the service catalog.
    2. In the Service Categories section, select the Facilities category and select the ID Card request. 
    3. Enter your information (full name, employee type, office location, and if this is a new or replacement card) into the catalog request.
    4. Submit the service catalog request. The turnaround time for new cards is 2 business days.
  • Envoy Process
  • Downloading the Envoy App

    • Download and open the Envoy mobile app on your phone. 
    • Sign in to your Vice account via the Envoy mobile app.
    • Select the office location that you work at. 
    • Enable location services and select if you'd like to receive notifications on your phone.
  • Scheduling a Desk

    1. Open the Envoy App and select the day and time that you'd wish to come into the office in the 'your schedule' section.
      • If you'd wish to come in the same day you are booking the desk, select the option to register for a desk today. Fill out the employee registration form that asks if you are currently experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and what the purpose of your office visit is.
    2. You will automatically be assigned a desk.
    3. If you'd like to edit your desk location and/or the time you are reserving the desk for, please select the 'edit desk' option. 
      • You can access the neighborhood maps to familiarize yourself with the office layout and your team’s designated seating area. Note: We are adjusting these on an ongoing basis to meet the needs of your teams.
      • The page will show the available and reserved desks via an interactive office floor plan. 
    4. Select from the available desks and confirm desk selection.
  • Canceling a Desk Reservation

    1. Open the Envoy App and go to your notification section at the top of the mobile page.
    2. Select 'view pass' and then cancel the desk reservation. This will remove your desk reservation and make the desk available again.
  • Important Information

    • Please bring your work ID when coming into the office. 
    • Please have the Envoy mobile app already downloaded prior to office entry.
    • If you are inviting a guest or vendor, please ensure they have downloaded the app and are signed in.
    • Freelance or contract staff do not automatically have Envoy. Please request access via the VICE Support Service Request: Envoy Access.


  • Can I book a desk on behalf of another employee?
    • This functionality is currently unavailable but will be at a later date.
  • How do I reserve a desk for multiple days?
    • Go to 'Your Schedule' in the Envoy mobile app. 
    • Select the option to select multiple days and then reserve your desk for the selected days. 
  • I booked a desk along with my team member. Is there a way to select that I am sitting next to them? 
    • Once your desk has been booked, connect with your team member to see which number desk (and on which floor) their desk may be reserved
    • Follow the instructions on how to change your desk via the our 'Getting Started with Envoy' article.
    • If there is a desk available closer to where your team member is, you may select to reserve that desk instead.
    • If no desks are available closer to your team member, you will not be able to sit next to them.
  • I want to invite a Visitor that is outside of VICE
    • Send your guest or vendor an invite, they will need to pre-register in advance and reserve their desk accordingly. 
    • Your guests will have to be approved by the host or Front Desk Admin. prior to arriving to the office
  • I want to visit the office, but I do not need a desk reserved for me. Do I still need to register?
    • With Envoy, a desk is automatically reserved prior to registering. Once a desk is reserved, the end-user completes the registration.
    • Once you are registered for office entry that day, please view your pass and cancel the desk automatically assigned to you.
